
Little Black Romper

4:00 AM

Hurray!  Glory to the Romper!


Don't you just absolutely love this romper?  Or do you call it a Jumper? Toma-to, To-ma-to! (tomatoes are my favorite btw!) Every girl needs a romper.  It's a classic must-have, no matter what.  I always have a one-piece suit in my closet as my "go-to". Just like dresses, they are so easy!  

Do you struggle piecing outfits together? I do!  My closet is full with tops and bottoms that coordinate well together but I'll still stand in front of the closet not knowing what to throw on.

For that reason, I keep it simple with a romper.  Like a dress, no need to try and put together an outfit, its already been decided for you!  Plus > Major Plus here > Rompers don't create all the bunching at the waist from overlapping or tucked in fabrics.  Oh and NO muffin top created by tight waistbands. The list goes on!

Quite Simply > The Romper makes life better!  It's the pant version of a dress for those times when you feel the need to do cartwheels or bungie jump!

Didn't that sound like an ad or commercial?  I just wanted to share my love for rompers... jumpers...

Pinup Pamela in Downtown Long Beach

Pinup Pamela wearing the Darla Pillbox Hat by White Purl

Pinup Pamela loving Downtown Long Beach

This week I've been really into Black and White photographs and these just happened to be more powerful as such.

Pinup Pamela posing for White Purls

Pinup Pamela posing for White Purls

...sharing the love...

What are your thoughts on Rompers?  Show me your Jumper girl!


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